Tuesday, 7 February 2012

The Proposal - 55Fiction#2

If I could be with her,
To her beauty, I'd add a glow
I wait for him patiently, when on his knees
His love for her, he'd show

I know, She'll say "yes"
And together, they ever shall be
I'll sparkle on her finger,
A symbol of their love and trust, for all to see


No guesses here, right? :) Well, going with mushy and romantic atmosphere...here's a toast to all lovers and friends who take the big step today, and who, to quote Ankit, "on their knees, break years of patience" :)  May all of you find lots and lots of love and happiness...

Happy Proposal Day, people! ;)
Goodnight :)


  1. Amazing :) The feeling, the moment.. it must be wonderful :)

  2. very very beautiful!!! yeah, no guesses... :) yaar the feel itself is making me change my mindset towards "things" ... really, company matters sometimes... wonderful! Love is in the air!! ant it is choking me... ;) :D the magical moment for a few would have happened today...

  3. Very touching post Sweet Heart. Loved it. I always imagined(when I was young and used to read Mills & Boons) how lovely and romantic it must feel to the girl to be proposed by the man h\she loves and to accept his proposal with joy . But I never felt it personally as Dada never proposed to me(our marriage just sort of happened and both expressed our love for each other with out any formal proposal etc). But I was very lucky to experience the same after so many years of marriage and with love grown so much more. Your father did propose to me recently and of course, I accepted. Loved it baby. Keep writing. You have a wonderful way of taking me to the place and mad\ke me feel all the emotions of the woman.


  4. Its beautiful Sweety.. Your post so perfectly encapsulates the feelings associated with a proposal from a person you love - Every girl's dream :D

    Poetically and wonderfully written !

  5. Fantastic Sweet,so simple but a real gem (diamond) of a post, that to in just 55 words.
    loved it.love you.

  6. Ye kaam to mere liye mushkil hi nhi namumkin hai:-D
    Cant even think of it..

  7. Superb is the word for it! Your giving life to a ring, and speaking from its perspective, surely added beauty and love to an already precious moment!
    11 out of 10 for this one :)


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