In a valley, in the middle of nowhere
The earth laughs, with flowers,
As their colors weave a magic, so rare
We lie down among the flowers,
Watching red ink flow, on a blue parchment
As the evening sky, gets a crimson tinge
With the beauty which the setting sun, lent
A sweet smelling breeze touches us
And whispers of love, we hear,
In the magical scent, of jasmines
As the first signs of darkness, appear
The last of the birds fly home,
And the twilight fades away, into the night
As stars appear, in the meadows of heaven
We fall in love again, under the soft light
We listen to the crickets chirp,
And each of the sounds, the night brings
The tinkling of a spring, nearby,
The song that a solitary bird, sings
The moon appears soon,
And pieces of cloud, scatter and glide
As the stars sing their lullaby,
I fall asleep, with you by my side
Moments later, my eyes open
We're in our bed, and I realize
Just a moment, spent in your arms,
Could give me an evening, in paradise
This one gave me a lot of trouble! It just wouldn't come out the way I wanted :( ...until it finally did ;) I should tell you, that I was totally inspired when I heard someone say the words, "Just like a picnic in heaven", and I played around with the idea for sometime...and finally, you're looking at the result!:)
Thanks to you who gave me this idea :) I owe you ;)
Hope you guys like it :)
Good Night...I hope you all sleep well, as the stars sing their lullaby ;) :)
Oh yeah, and the above picture is from the movie, Twilight...I don't own it. It's the only picture I found, that was the closest to what had imagined.