Hidden lies, guilty secrets
A night of prying eyes discovered
Face went white, heartbeats quickened
As Pandora opened her box
Confrontation never looks pretty
This one had an ugliness never seen before
Words danced about, angry and unrestrained
But the soul weakened with each utterance
What do you know,
The truth ain't pretty either
The circle of trust fades away
In its place is now a big blotch of doubt
The prying eyes are just tired now
The guilty secrets, just mistakes
What's left?
A dull ache
A hollow of other words that were swallowed
No hate. No love.
Isn't that just fair enough?
The prying eyes got just what they deserved.
A night of prying eyes discovered
Face went white, heartbeats quickened
As Pandora opened her box
Confrontation never looks pretty
This one had an ugliness never seen before
Words danced about, angry and unrestrained
But the soul weakened with each utterance
What do you know,
The truth ain't pretty either
The circle of trust fades away
In its place is now a big blotch of doubt
The prying eyes are just tired now
The guilty secrets, just mistakes
What's left?
A dull ache
A hollow of other words that were swallowed
No hate. No love.
Isn't that just fair enough?
The prying eyes got just what they deserved.